Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A different kind of cup

Last I wrote, it was all about the cheery red Starbuck's Cup.

This week it the sippy cup. A sippy cup thrown across the room, in the middle of the night.

Yes, the other day at 12:30 a.m. Lil' Type A hurled her cup across the room because it wasn't the one she wanted. My husband thought she was asleep when she did this. I knew better, because she knew what she was doing. She talked about after the tantrum was over.

Why she chose to express herself this way IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT is a mystery to me. Was she asleep, dreaming about the cup she wanted, woke up to discover all wasn't right in the universe and became angry? Who the @#$%&%#$ knows!

All I know is that at 12:30 a.m., I've already been asleep for a couple hours (on a good day) and to be awaken to screeming and a flying cup, well, that's not my idea of a fun night.

After 10 minutes (which seemed like a half hour to me), Lil' Type A gave in, accepted the sippy cup and was calm again. Her universe was at peace.

And then she said, "I want six hugs and kisses, twice, from both you and dad, please."

Who can resist that?